API for Cloud Integration

Need to develop an API which can be used to integrate any cloud to cloud or on premises to cloud environment. Like API_X is an API which can be used to link Google Cloud with AWS or Azure with Google Cloud or On-Premises to AWS

Hackathon Rules

  • Team Participation: Maximum of 5 members per team.
  • Forming Teams: You can invite friends or request to join existing teams.
  • Online Participation: Join from anywhere in the world.
  • Themes: Choose one of the 3 provided themes for your hack.
  • Submission: Submit your hack, with multiple submissions allowed. The last submission will be considered final.
  • Ideas: Must be original and innovative; copied ideas will be disqualified.
  • Development: Code entirely during the hackathon; you may use open-source libraries and available services, and your code's intellectual property belongs to your team.
  • Terms and Conditions: By participating, you agree to terms and conditions.

First Prize


Second Prize


Third Prize
